Congenital Heart Disease is an umbrella term for a variety of birth defects that impair the heart’s ability to function normally

What causes it to occur?

Most of the time, there is no clear cause for congenital heart disease. There are, however, a number of risk factors that have been identified:

· When it comes to the physical development of a baby, Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic disorders.

· During pregnancy, the mother may contract certain infections, such as rubella.

· The mother’s use of certain medications while pregnant, such as statins and acne medicines

· The mother’s use of tobacco or alcohol while pregnant

· A mother with type 1 or type 2 diabetes that is poorly controlled

· Other types of chromosome or genetic defects

Signs and Symptoms

Among the many signs and symptoms of congenital heart disease, particularly in infants and children, including the following:

• a pounding heart

• shallow breaths

· Angioedema (inflammation of the lymph nodes)

• severe exhaustion and exhaustion

· Skin or lips that have a blue cast to them (cyanosis)

• a baby’s rapid breathing and exhaustion during feeding

Many of these issues are evident at birth, but mild defects may not cause any harm until later in life.

Treating Congenital Heart Disease

If you or your child suffers from congenital heart disease, the treatment you receive will depend on the specific defect you or your child has.

Mild defects, such as holes in the heart, may improve on their own and cause no further harm if they are not treated.

If the defect is significant and causing problems, surgery or interventional procedures are usually required. In many cases, modern surgical techniques can restore the heart’s normal functions.

As a result, children and adults with congenital heart disease need to be examined by specialists throughout their lives. This is due to the fact that people with chronic heart disease are more likely to experience complications with their heart’s rhythm or valves.

A cure isn’t expected from the majority of surgical and interventional procedures. When someone is ill, their ability to exercise might be restricted, and they may need to take precautions in an effort to avoid infection.

If you or a loved one has heart disease, it’s critical to discuss these concerns with your medical team.

According to the American Heart Association, ventricular septal defects affect 2 to 7 percent of all live births and account for about 20 percent of all congenital heart defects.

Another common congenital heart defect is the atrial septal defect. The atria are the upper two chambers of the heart, and this condition occurs when there is an abnormal hole between them.

Tetralogy of Fallot is a common heart abnormality that is typically diagnosed during the fetal period or shortly after birth, according to Van Bergen. A hole between the two lower chambers of the heart and an abnormal position or orientation of the ventricular septum are the hallmarks of the Tetralogy of Fallot.

Your heart and blood vessels are in good hands at Doral Health and Wellness Cardiology Center, which brings together specialists from across the medical spectrum. Contact us at 347-868-1012 and email us at

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