It is a common disorder that is characterized by persistent blood pressure against the
artery walls, which raises the possibility of serious health problems related to the heart.
This increases the risk of developing hypertension, which can lead to serious health
complications. The quantity of blood from the heart and the degree of resistance that is
provided by the arteries to the flow of blood are two of the factors that could have an
effect on a person’s blood pressure. If you or a close family member suffer from
hypertension, you should pay careful attention to this. The Best Cardiologist in Brooklyn can
help you with the evaluation and assessment if you have hypertension. The Heart Doctor
in Brooklyn can request ECG and other diagnostic tests to diagnose and prevent

You may not even realize you have hypertension until it has already caused serious health
complications for you. It is a major risk factor. In fact, almost a third of those who have
hypertension are unaware of it. This is due to the fact that hypertension rarely manifests
itself in its early stages. Checkups are the greatest approach to detecting elevated blood
pressure. Also, BP readings can be taken at home.

What are the signs and symptoms?
Hypertension is sometimes referred to as a “silent killer” because its victims may
experience no outward signs of the disease. High blood pressure can harm the kidneys,
heart, and other organs if it goes undetected for too long. Maintaining consistent blood
pressure monitoring is essential.

Extreme cases of hypertension can lead to:
● Anxiety
● Sweating
● Disturbed sleep and embarrassment
However, the vast majority of persons with hypertension will show no signs of the
condition. The hypertensive crisis is marked by acute symptoms such as terrible
headaches and nosebleeds. Other symptoms include chest pain and nausea.

Symptoms of Extremely High Blood Pressure

Here are some signs to watch out for that could indicate you have hypertension:
● Discomfort or pain in the head that won’t go away
● Nosebleed
● Weakness or disorientation
● Disorders of the Eye
● Pain in the chest
● Breathing problems
● The irregular rhythm of the heart
● Urine with blood in it
● Violently beating at your heart, throat, or ears

Some people mistakenly attribute non-hypertensive symptoms to hypertension when,
in fact:
● Dizziness
● Nervousness
● Perspiring
● Difficulty sleeping
● Red, hot face
● Signs of internal bleeding: red patches in the eyes

Plaque builds up on the inside of blood vessel walls with long-term hypertension,
narrowing the blood vessels and increasing the risk of problems. Due to increased work
required by the heart to pump blood throughout the body, hypertension is made worse
when blood vessels become constricted.
The development of atherosclerosis due to hypertension increases the risk of:
● Aneurysm is a dangerous protrusion in the arterial wall that can cause rupture.
● Heart failure
● Renal failure
● Stroke
● The risk of blindness due to hypertensive retinopathies of the eye, which can be
caused by a stroke or amputation

It is possible to avoid these more serious problems by having one’s blood pressure
monitored regularly.
How can I lower my blood pressure or keep it in check if I already have it?
People with high blood pressure often just need to make a few adjustments to their
lifestyle in order to bring their levels down into a healthy range and keep them there.
Make sure to see your medical team about:
● Keeping up with a workout regimen of about 150 minutes per week
● In the absence of tobacco use
● Maintaining low sodium (salt) and alcohol intake is an important part of a healthy
● Maintaining a reasonable physique

Some persons with high blood pressure need medication in addition to making healthy
lifestyle modifications. It is imperative that you have a conversation with your healthcare
team as soon as possible if you have any reason to believe that you may be suffering from
increased blood pressure but are unable to bring it under control. Bringing down your
blood pressure can help you cut your chance of coronary heart disease, which includes
both heart disease and stroke. This risk can be reduced if you take the necessary
precautions. Doral Health and Wellness Cardiologists are well-respected leaders in their areas. The
Brooklyn Heart Specialist is qualified to diagnose patients, research their medical
records, and develop individualized treatment plans. During the consultation and
treatment, they strike up conversations with the patient’s loved ones and field queries
from the patient themselves. Doral Health & Wellness has an excellent reputation for
treating individuals with medical, surgical, and cardiovascular conditions, so you should
definitely check it out. Doral Health & Wellness is located at 1797 Pitkin AvenueBrooklyn, New York 11212. Please contact us at (347) 868-1012 to arrange a meeting.

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By reading this website, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions. The information throughout this medical website is not intended to be taken as medical advice. The information provided is intended for general information regarding our cardiovascular clinic in Brooklyn, New York. If you experience chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or unusual shortness of breath, please stop and seek medical attention.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact our Multi-Specialty Facility. Avoid worrisome self-diagnosis; the best cardiology doctors will properly diagnose your problem and refer you to a specialist if necessary. No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition.